Welcome to CH-ROM. All artwork is sorted with newest pieces displayed at the top. There is navigation options on the top and bottom of the page, with a catalog menu on the left which you can use to filter through artwork based by the medium and year it was created in. This gallery will continue to expand over time and is subject to being updated with new folders. Clicking on a holograph will show it in higher resolution, with a detailed description (if one can be provided.). If you wish to leave and return to the index page, there is an "EXIT CH-ROM" button in the navigation bar on the top right.
There has been a significant amount of artwork that has been lost forever (2016-2019). Some folders contain art that have been recovered from abandoned accounts. Hopefully, the CH-ROM will encourage archiving work, regardless of quality or time spent creating them.
NOTICE: This module may change overtime, or temporarily experience anomalies that prevent it from functioning.