Everything gathered below has been used in the construction of this site. The Conservatory is extremely thankful for these resources/tutorials. Graphics/images will be linked back to their sources (if one can be found) If you see anything here that has not been credited and you know of it's source, feel free to let me know at chromaeleon@proton.me!
- Site built using Visual Studio Code.
- Utilized sadgrl's layout builder to figure out how to code the structure of the site.
- Learned HTML/CSS using several sources such as MDN Web Docs, W3Schools, and CodeAcademy.
- Troubleshooting various issues with StackOverflow.
- Hit counter implemented thanks to Dannarchy's tutorial.
- RSS feed generated with the help of PKLucky's tutorial.
- Referenced and used layouts from Matthew James Taylor's site for responsiveness.
- Intergalactic Message buttonwall CSS marquee from Ryan Mulligan's blog post, "The Infinite Marquee".
- "Hand-coded" "Hosted on Neocities", and "Support the Project on ko-fi" buttons in footer made by Vinny Vistazo.
- Smaller graphics on pages will link back to source, however I have not found the source for all of them.
- Status widget from Status.Cafe.
- Personal website advertisement widget is NavLink Ads from Dimden.
- Live chat box from cbox.
- Guestbook is Ayano's Comment Widget.
- Polls from PollCode.
Note: All fonts are either public domain or OFL, which are permitted to be embedded on this site.
- Page title font is "Audiowide" from Astigmatic One Eye Typographic Institute on Google Fonts.
- Header text is "Oxanium" from Severin Meyer on Google Fonts.
- Paragraph is "Varela Round" from Joe Prince from Google Fonts.
- Pixel font is from "000webfont" by memesbruh03 on DaFont.
- Decorative headers is "Neuropol" by Typodermic on DaFont.
- Flavor/subtext is "Hyperjump" by Toufique Islam on DaFont.